
Amazon Super Nutrition
Nutrition, or lack of it is the most overlooked part of all traditional western medicine and western diet in general over the last 100 years. It is tragic that during the medical debate surrounding all serious illness in the USA and Europe, still diet and nutrition are entirely absent. From the casual observer’s perspective, this seems to be not only un-medical but non-scientific and a glaring omission in any holistic approach to healthy living.
The reality is that nutrition is so important that in many cases, it can cure by itself. In our opinion, there is no illness or complaint that does not have its roots in a nutritional deficiency or excess. The past 70 years have seen extraordinary changes in the way food is produced. Chemical fertilizers, insecticides, mass processing of foodstuffs – all have reduced available nutrients in the food we eat. The effects of this cannot be overstated. If the human does not receive countless vitamins, minerals and trace elements – the overall health declines.
Sadly, trace elements as a whole are now almost entirely missing from the average western diet. For this reason, the menu at Amaru Spirit consists of high quality, fresh organic produce and ‘Superfoods’.
Thomas Edison
”The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
”Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”